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  #10 (permalink)  
Vechi 26 ian 2012, 13:33:07
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quarc quarc este deconectat
(meniuri, evolutie)
Cont restricţionat
Data înregistrării: 09 nov 2011
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 43
Dieta: No one ever drowned in sweat
Date: 190cm, 80kg
Mesaje: 634
Aprecieri acordate: 1
Am fost apreciat(a) de 52 ori in 40 mesaje
Implicit Re: Tribulatii despre studiu

Science News
Cheating Father Time: 50-Year-Old Can Be Every Bit as Fit as Someone 30 Years Younger, but Exercise Is Key
ScienceDaily (Oct. 11, 2011) — Who is likely to be fitter: a lazy 20-year-old or an active 50-year-old? New research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's K.G. Jebsen Center of Exercise in Medicine provides statistical evidence that the 50-year-old can be every bit as fit as someone 30 years younger. But exercise -- how much, and how intense -- is the key, say K.G. Jebsen Center researchers.

Science News
Simple Fitness Test Could Predict Long-Term Risk for Heart Attack, Stroke in Middle-Aged People
ScienceDaily (May 18, 2011) — If you're middle-aged, the answer could provide a strong predictor of your risk of heart attack or stroke over the next decade or more.
quarc, pentru a configura şi afişa ticker-ul tău, urmează paşii din noua secţiune tickere.
quarc, necesarul caloric zilnic pentru a te menţine la greutatea actuală, la un nivel de activitate fizică Moderat activ, este de 2836 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 0.5kg/săptămână, ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 2319 kcal/zi.
NOTĂ: Culorile înseamnă slăbit sănătos, înfometare, pericol pentru viaţă.
[Calculator calorii]
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