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Vechi 03 iul 2013, 21:29:55
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Data înregistrării: 09 nov 2011
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 43
Dieta: No one ever drowned in sweat
Date: 190cm, 80kg
Mesaje: 634
Aprecieri acordate: 1
Am fost apreciat(a) de 52 ori in 40 mesaje
Implicit Re: Tribulatii despre studiu

Losers Try - Winners Do
Written By : Curt Fletcher

One of the most common words used in the English language is "try."

· You are going to "try" to get better grades in school.
· You are going to "try" to sell more.
· You are going to "try" to be a better parent.
· You are going to "try" to learn more.
· You are going to "try" to make more money.

{sidebar id=14}Try used to have the connotation that you were going to really try. Somehow though, "try" has turned into the most overused word which has become just a synonym for procrastination. It has become such an overused and redundant "fake action" word, that I believe it a crutch for some people.

The funny thing about "try" is that when people say it, they actually at that moment believe they really will "try." But, in the quick pace of everyday life your "try" disappears into a cloud of "I wish I would have's."

Can you recall any recent statements that you made at work, home, for personal growth, your goals, or any other aspect of your life that began with "I'll try?"

What happened?

The cure for 'try" is "DO."

The simple two word phrase "I'll do," is powerful, especially when said out loud. That little phrase carries a responsibility and accountability that you and others hold you to. Those five letters serve as your guide to actual achievement.

Do you want to be one of those people that reflect back on their life with "what if's?"

"Try" and "What If" are direct cousins in the family of procrastination and failure. Don't join that family.

"Do" is the cure for both of those words.

Remember this, there is no "try," there is only "Do" or "Don't Do."

I find nothing more disheartening than wasted opportunities and wasted talent. You were given the opportunity at life with the tools to succeed. Sure, sometimes, we need to smooth out the rough edges to get there, but I assure you, it will happen if YOU DECIDE it will happen.

I don't understand the negative thoughts people have that they are destined for a life of hardships, failure, and bad luck just because they have had those experiences in the past. The beauty of life is that you get a NEW OPPORTUNITY to succeed each day that you wake up.

I challenge you for the next month to create an internal thought process so that every time you want to say "I'll Try," you substitute it with "I'll Do." When you do this, I assure you that new accomplishments will begin to occur. Bad habits of the success and goal killing word "procrastination" will start to dissipate as you gain new skills, knowledge, and confidence.

Successful people have habits that unsuccessful people are not willing to create. When your time spent on memories of days gone by outnumbers your aspirations and future goals, the end of hope is near.

Beliefs create actions
Actions create results
Results create beliefs
That is the circle. Positive or Negative. Successful or Unsuccessful.

The choice is yours.
quarc, pentru a configura şi afişa ticker-ul tău, urmează paşii din noua secţiune tickere.
quarc, necesarul caloric zilnic pentru a te menţine la greutatea actuală, la un nivel de activitate fizică Moderat activ, este de 2836 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 0.5kg/săptămână, ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 2319 kcal/zi.
NOTĂ: Culorile înseamnă slăbit sănătos, înfometare, pericol pentru viaţă.
[Calculator calorii]
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