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Vechi 30 ian 2012, 12:14:55
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quarc quarc este deconectat
(meniuri, evolutie)
Cont restricţionat
Data înregistrării: 09 nov 2011
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 43
Dieta: No one ever drowned in sweat
Date: 190cm, 80kg
Mesaje: 634
Aprecieri acordate: 1
Am fost apreciat(a) de 52 ori in 40 mesaje
Implicit Re: Cat de mult conteaza pentru tine cate flotari poti face?

Nota: daca tot va contraziceti cu mine, aveti minima decenta sa cititi TOT ce am avut de spus - inclusiv linkurile; de contrazis pe fapte nici nu mai sper.

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Forta necesara alergatului vine alergand, nu-i musai sa faci forta pt asta. Vanatorul tau preistoric se descurca foarte bine fara exercitii de forta
"Isn't that cute...BUT IT'S WRONG!"

Draga Contesa,

La asemenea aberatii ma vad nevoit sa imi incalc promisiunea. Nu ca m-ar durea pe mine de ce ai tu de spus, doar ca nu pot suporta ignoranta si nu suport oamenii neinstruiti care dau sfaturi proaste legate de lucruri la care nu se pricep. Sfaturile proaste fac mai mult rau decat daca bine.

Tu Contesa, faci 25 de flotari, nu le vezi beneficiile si indemni pe altii sa nu faca! Nici Papa Urban al VIII-lea nu vedea cum se invarte Pamantul. Ce faci tu e rau, este foarte rau; ma intreb de ce mai faci flotari?(te rog din tot sufletul sa nu imi raspunzi la asta; este o intrebare retorica)
De ce toti pretuiesc flotarea mai putin tu si femeile la dieta?(tot retoric)

Se vede ca nu alergi. Sau daca alergi, alergi din instinct, se vede ca nu te-ai informat defel legat de acest subiect. Fie alergi foarte putin, fie te-ai nascut in Kenia, alergi foarte mult din frageda pruncie si esti mult mai rezistenta decat media reprezentatilor acestei specii de ai reusit sa eviti cosmarul alergatorilor.

Alergatul este domeniul meu de expertiza, nu imi place sa alerg, urasc sa alerg, dar totusi alerg deoarece experienta mi-a aratat ca este cel mai eficient. Este bun la foarte multe, daca este facut cu cap.

Contesa mea draga, pune mana si documenteaza-te, iesi la alergat serios si mai vorbim legat de acest subiect dupa ce termini si tu un maraton.

Te rog, nu te mai da cu parerea legat de subiecte la care nu te pricepi; risti sa faci mai mult rau decat bine. Ma vezi pe mine facand remarci coerente la altceva decat alergat si forta necesara ne miscam eficient propriul corp? La ciclism ma abtin deoarece experienta mea cu biciclete se rezuma doar la pedalat de placere - pe bicicleta nu am reusit sa trec cu pulsul de 130 in ciuda faptului ca sustin 30kmph. Ma bate gandul sa ma duc pana la Ploiesti la vara...

Aveti idee care este rolul umerilor in alergare? Aveti idee care este rolul spatelui in alergare? Veti intelege asta cand veti fi alergat 20km si veti vedea ce te deranjeaza. Credeti ca exercitiile de care vorbesc eu au vre-un scop ascuns? Vorbim dupa un maraton, draga mea intunecata.

O data pentru totdeauna, sa intre in capetele celor care sunt aici doar ca sa se certe, sa isi planga de mila sau sa isi caute scuze!

In viata ca sa progresezi trebuie sa iti pui un tel bun si sa in atingi. Telurile mici fac oameni mici!

Puneti-va un tel realizabil si atingeti-l.
1. sa alerg la o cursa de 5k in vara asta si sa ies in top 1/3
2. sa alerg la o cursa de 10k in vara asta si sa ies in top 1/3
3. sa termin un semimaraton
4. sa termin un maraton
5. sa termin un triatlon
6. sa particip la o cursa de ciclism si sa termin in prima treime( asa e cadou pentru fanele bicicltelor stationare - ciclismul este mult mai complex decat a pedala jumatate de ora in fata televizorului - chit ca este la intensitate mare)
7. sau altceva serios - dupa cum spuneam mai devreme indoitul mainii din cot nu se pune.

Recomandarea mea este sa treceti direct la 4, 5 si 6, este realizabil, sute de mii de oameni fac asta si le este bine.

Daca sunteti aici ca sa va certati si vreti sa imi dati un contraargument valid legat de abilitatea de a slabi prin alergare aratati-mi poze cu maratonisti grasi la linia de sosire.

IMpossible is Nothing - YouTube
The most inspiring video you will ever watch! - YouTube
Tribulatii despre alergat
Rutina mea legata de picioare
Tribulatii despre genuflexiuni

"“If you are an overweight runner focused on a marathon, the most important thing you can do is lose body fat.” Wrong. If you’re an overweight runner focused on the marathon the most important thing you can do is get a good pair of shoes and go run. Believe in yourself, educate yourself, and listen to your body. "

Nicaieri nu am spus trageti de fiare.
Credeti ca 100 de flotari, 50 de tractiuni, 200 de abdomene si 200 de genuflexiuni sunt grele? Este greu sa ne miscam propriul corp cu usurinta? Este inimaginabil ca o sa reusim sa urcam trei etaje fara sa ajungem lac de transpiratie? Exercitiile de mai sus pun pe noi putere si anduranta suficienta ca sa ne miscam, atat si nimic mai mult. Nu spun sa ridicam sute de kilograme de mii de ori, nu propun sa facem volum ca la culturisti si nici nu propun daramatul recordurilor la flotari. Fetelor stati linistite, nu veti pune muschi ca barbatii decat daca o sa va creasca peste noapte o pereche de gonade masculine. Chiar si asa cu o pereche in plus nu o sa puneti muschi daca nu faceti la sala strict rutine de culturisti si nu mancati ca ei. BTW culturistii se feresc sa alerge pentru ca este contraproductiv hipertrofiei musculare.

Revenind putin...
Fiecare este dator cu a se misca pe sine.

De ce sunteti aici? De ce ati decis sa slabiti? Pun pariu ca majoritatea isi doreste sa se miste mai usor, nu sa devina fotomodel. Este mult mai elegant sa iti cuantifici progresul prin eficienta miscarii decat prin greutate, deh cine sunt eu sa vorbesc.
Numai prin dieta nu se poate ajunge acolo. Puneti si faceti si sport. Dieta fara sport nu se poate si nici sport fara dieta. Cititi, invatati, educati-va si puneti osul la munca!

Revenind la un ton mai pasnic, mi-am permis sa pun un articol intreg si doua bucati din altul.

Alergatul este intuitiv, doar ca e putin mai complicat decat a pune un picior in fata celuilalt, trebuie sa intelegem cum compensam pentru tehnologia care ne strica. Vanatorul meu preistoric facea forta cand cara carnea inapoi la pestera, cand alerga cu sulita in mana si cand se batea cu alti vanatori preistoric care se dadeau la carnea lui. Alergatul este unul dintre cele mai eficiente metode de a slabi, dar a te apuca sa alergi fara putin studiu si fara a avea suficienta putere pentru a rezista rigorilor sportului este ca a pune carul inanitea boilor. Va rog, nu va apucati sa enumerati beneficiile bicicletelor, ale aparatelor eliptice sau alte masinarii, le cunosc, le-am folosit din punctul meu de vedere alergatul este mai bun si nu poate fi inlocuit. Poate doar bicicletele eliptice sa fie un substitut bun pentru skiul de fond. Toate masinile sunt bune la ceva si ele au avantaje si ele au dezavantaje - daca vreti o discutie legata de diferente o sa discutam si de asta. Alergatul este totusi cel mai ieftin si poate fi facut oriunde, oricand de catre oricine cu o constitutie medie, poate sa acopere o gama larga de intensitati si ne face mai puternici in lupta cu campul nostru gravitational de zi cu zi.

Runner's world
Balance Running and Strength Training
Increase strength to burn more calories and prevent injuries.
By Leslie Goldman
From the April 2009 issue of Runner's World

Dieter's Strategy: Avoid strength training to keep from adding on pounds.

Runner's Strategy: Balance running and strength training.

Dieters often shy away from strength training, such as lifting weights, out of a fear it will make them bulk up. Others are intimidated by going to a gym. But for many dieters, the reason is simpler: They know one hour of intense cardio burns more calories than one hour of strength training. If you're pressed for time, it would seem that intense cardiovascular exercise would provide more bang for your buck, leading to a greater weight loss than pumping iron.

Yet the truth is that taking the time to add strength training to your routine a few days a week has a number of unintuitive benefits that can help boost your weight loss. Studies have shown that strength training can improve body composition by helping you maintain or increase your lean body mass and can decrease your percentage of body fat, helping you look leaner and burn additional calories. Here's how it works.

1. Muscle Burns More Calories: "Fat burns almost nothing at rest," says exercise physiologist Pete McCall, "whereas muscle uses oxygen. If you increase lean muscle mass, you'll increase the body's ability to use oxygen and burn more calories." Your body typically uses about 4.5 to seven calories per pound of muscle every day. If a 160-pound runner with 20 percent body fat increases his muscle mass and lowers his body fat to 15 percent, he'll burn an extra 36 to 56 calories a day at rest—simply by adding muscle.

2. You'll Be More Efficient: Strength training can help you run faster, longer, and more efficiently. A study published last year in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research showed that runners who add three days of resistance training exercises to their weekly program increase their leg strength and enhance their endurance. Obviously, runners with better endurance can run longer—and burn more calories. You'll also be able to recover faster from those long runs because strength training makes your body more efficient at converting metabolic waste into energy. "It's like being able to convert car exhaust into gas," says McCall.

3. You'll Be Less Injury-Prone: "If you increase your strength, you'll also increase your joint stability, reducing your risk of repetitive stress injuries," says McCall, citing a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, which showed that incorporating moves such as squats, single-leg hops, and ab work into a workout can not only prevent lower-body injuries, but improve performance as well. Leg exercises are particularly important when it comes to reducing injury: These exercises strengthen muscles around the knees and hips—two areas that often cause problems for runners.

Real Runner: Tom Parnell 34, Boston

"In 2007, I was running about 25 to 30 miles a week—that is, until I tore my calf muscle playing flag football and was sidelined for nine months. I replaced running with couch surfing and junk food and, not surprisingly, put on 40 pounds in no time. When I started running again, my knees killed me from all the weight I had put on. So I added a three-days-on-one-day-off strength-training routine to my regimen, focusing on two muscle groups at a time. I believe that lifting weights helped me drop about half of the 40 pounds I eventually lost—plus I got stronger, faster, and have been able to avoid another injury."

Powerful Stuff

Ready to add strength training into your routine, but pressed for time? Exercise physiologist Pete McCall suggests adding the exercises here to your postrun routine. Start with one session per week and work up to three. Both use a number of muscle groups—plus, they're easy to do and take just a few minutes. "After 16 weeks, your pants size will shrink, you'll have more energy, and you'll be more powerful and efficient," he says.

Squat to Row
Strengthens knees, quads, glutes, hips, back, core, biceps

1. Stand two feet from a cable machine set at a weight that's hard but controllable.
2. Holding onto the cable handles with your arms extended, squat down.
3. As you return to standing, pull your hands toward your diaphragm, keeping elbows by your torso. Do two or three sets of 12 to 15 reps.

Wood Chop
Strengthens hips, quads, glutes, shoulders, back, core

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a five- to eight-pound medicine ball in your hands.
2. Squat down with the ball between your knees, keeping your heels on the floor, sticking your butt out, and not letting your knees go more than a few inches toward your toes.
3. Return to standing, raising the ball overhead, maintaining a slight bend in your knees. Keep your core engaged the whole time, as if bracing for a punch. Do two or three sets of 12 to 15 reps; increase weight of the medicine ball when you can do 15 in good form.

Hard Fact After age 30, inactive adults will lose three to five percent of their muscle mass per decade.


The 10 Laws of Injury Prevention
Follow these time-tested principles and you'll spend more time on the roads—and less in rehab
By Amby Burfoot

Use Strength Training To Balance Your Body

You need something—and what better than muscle?—to keep your body properly aligned while you're running down the road at 450 pounds of crunching, twisting-in, and torquing-out force per stride. According to Ferber, it's particularly important to strengthen the hip muscles. He claims his clinic has cured 92 percent of knee injuries with a hip regimen. "Strengthening the hips is optimal for effective rehabilitation, as opposed to treating the area where the pain is located (e.g., your knee)," he says. "When you strengthen the hips—the abductors, adductors, and gluteus maximus—you increase your leg stability all the way down to the ankle."

You don't want to train for bulging muscles. You need just enough core, hip, and lower-leg strength training to keep your pelvis and lower-extremity joints properly positioned. "Healthy running should be as symmetrical and fluid as possible," says Michael Fredericson, M.D., associate professor of sports medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine. "If you don't have muscle balance, then you lose the symmetry, and that's when you start having problems."

Run on a Level Surface

Here's another factor that could have a significant impact on running injuries, but has been rarely studied: road camber. No doubt you always run on the left side of the road facing traffic. That's good for safety reasons. But it also gives you a functional leg-length discrepancy, since your left foot hits the road lower on the slope than your right foot. You're also placing your left foot on a slant that tends to limit healthy pronation, and your right foot in a position that encourages overpronation. And you're doing this—running in an unbalanced way—160 to 180 strides a minute for mile after mile, day after day, week after week. Clint Verran, a physical therapist in Lake Orion, Michigan, sees the results of this cambered running in his clinic, where he treats a higher incidence of left-hip injuries in runners than right-hip injuries.

True, it's not easy to escape cambered asphalt. And safety concerns demand that you run on the left side of the road. So now you've already got two strikes against you. To avoid strike three, remember that road camber can cause problems. If you're increasing your mileage, feel an injury coming on, or are returning from injury, try to do some of your training runs on a level surface like a bike path or dirt trail. The local track also provides a firm, essentially flat surface that's great for slow-paced running. (When you do faster interval training on a track, you put unequal torque on your feet and legs due to the need to keep turning left, so be careful if you are injury prone.) Also consider the treadmill. It's hard to imagine a better surface for balanced running. At the very least, a treadmill provides a great surface for beginning runners, runners who are recovering from an injury, and perhaps even marathoners aiming to increase mileage without increasing their injury risk.

M-a mancat sa ma bag intre femei...

quarc, pentru a configura şi afişa ticker-ul tău, urmează paşii din noua secţiune tickere.
quarc, necesarul caloric zilnic pentru a te menţine la greutatea actuală, la un nivel de activitate fizică Moderat activ, este de 2836 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 0.5kg/săptămână, ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 2319 kcal/zi.
NOTĂ: Culorile înseamnă slăbit sănătos, înfometare, pericol pentru viaţă.
[Calculator calorii]

Ultima dată editat de quarc; 30 ian 2012 at 12:23:46.
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