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  #602 (permalink)  
Vechi 10 dec 2010, 12:59:09
cris17's Avatar
cris17 cris17 este deconectat
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cu vechimeSlăbuţa cu vechime
Data înregistrării: 27 aug 2010
Locaţie: Brasov, Romania
Vârsta: 49
Dieta: hipocalorica si sport
Date: 168cm, 71kg
Mesaje: 2.152
Aprecieri acordate: 46
Am fost apreciat(a) de 117 ori in 30 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal cris17 - Am pornit la drum (110kg), acum sa vad unde ajung ;)

Fetelor, sunt in "butoi"
Asa ca sa nu fiti ingrijorate, daca nu o sa intru o vreme

O poezie ce o dedic prietenelor de aici (imi pare rau ca-i in engleza si nu-mi permit sa o traduc, ptr a nu ii distruge farmecul)

A Friend is so Hard to Find
My Soul Is After You
Flies freely high in the blue sky
Flies and flies over the oceans and continents
Looking for you who has the same inspiration as mine
On earth and from sky I have looked for you
Nowhere I can find the one to complete my life
But my heart makes me longing even more strongly
Life will continue to write this poem
Of us who cannot meet
Of our beautiful friendship story
I admit there were few I confused with you, but just one or two
They came with passions but faded with the rain and snow
So I knew definitely not you, none of them can replace the beauty of you heart and soul
I feel so bad when I need you
That we haven’t met yet
We could have saved each other from solitude
Even when it’s hard I’m not giving up
My heart has for some reason chosen you
And helps me to fight against the pain of loneliness
Among millions souls I will find yours
And I don’t care how beautiful they are
Because I want to love only you
And when finally we meet with G-d’s help
I will make sure to never lose you
Because I don’t need this beautiful world without you
Too bad that we are still apart and no clue for how long
We meet sunrises and walk out sunsets without each other
And don’t spend our nights with someone by our side
Holding you in my heart
Makes my life so different from others
But that’s the way I want to be, to be only yours
In the whole world there is no heart for me like yours
There is no love for you like mine to hold you so tight
I love you and will be faithful even if I die without meeting you