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  #120 (permalink)  
Vechi 13 aug 2012, 11:58:29
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quarc quarc este deconectat
(meniuri, evolutie)
Cont restricţionat
Data înregistrării: 09 nov 2011
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 43
Dieta: No one ever drowned in sweat
Date: 190cm, 80kg
Mesaje: 634
Aprecieri acordate: 1
Am fost apreciat(a) de 52 ori in 40 mesaje
Implicit Re: Tribulatii despre studiu

Un program foarte bun de antrenament general si cateva cuvinte despre nutritie gasiti pe site-ul Armatei Britanice
Fitness - British Army Website
www army mod uk/join/20261.aspx

Programul de antrenament contine 8 exercitii + alergare/inot se intinde pe 2+(3*4)=14 saptamani. Exercitiile sunt explicate foarte frumos are sugestii despre cum sa evitam accidentarile si este colorat foarte sugestiv. Ar trebui sa aduca omul mediu suficient de fit incat sa treaca testul de aptitudini fizice necesar pentru acceptarea in armata regala.

Cat despre mancare Dictum sapienti sat est dupa cum spunea Titus, Titus Plautus nu Titus Steel:

"Eating well is important for good health. Your diet should contain the right amount of carbohydrates, protein, fibre, fats, vitamins and minerals to replace the ones you use when you exercise. This helps to keep your energy levels up. No matter what fitness training you’re doing, there are some basic nutrition tips that will keep you performing at your peak.


Eating to keep fit doesn’t mean following complicated diet plans. Just have three healthy meals a day and you’ll be less tempted by sweets and other snacks. Your daily food intake should be made up of:

• One third starchy foods, such as potatoes, bread and rice. Wholegrain options are best.

• One third fruit and vegetables.

• One third protein foods, including meat, fish and dairy products, which help muscles develop and repair.

For an active lifestyle, it’s important to drink plenty of fluids, especially before and during exercise. Sports drinks are good, but water is fine too. Drink regularly – don’t wait until you feel thirsty. If you’re exercising for more than an hour and a half, eat a banana or some dried fruit before or during your exercise session to keep energy levels up.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est
quarc, pentru a configura şi afişa ticker-ul tău, urmează paşii din noua secţiune tickere.
quarc, necesarul caloric zilnic pentru a te menţine la greutatea actuală, la un nivel de activitate fizică Moderat activ, este de 2836 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 0.5kg/săptămână, ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 2319 kcal/zi.
NOTĂ: Culorile înseamnă slăbit sănătos, înfometare, pericol pentru viaţă.
[Calculator calorii]
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