Subiect: Raw vegan
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  #13 (permalink)  
Vechi 19 iun 2014, 18:50:48
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Slăbuţă cu ExperienţăSlăbuţă cu Experienţă
Data înregistrării: 07 mai 2010
Locaţie: Trondheim, Norvegia
Vârsta: 46
Dieta: DUKAN +semivegetariana
Date: 163cm, 52.1kg
Mesaje: 4.152
Aprecieri acordate: 755
Am fost apreciat(a) de 584 ori in 420 mesaje
Implicit Re: Raw vegan

Anterior postat de elene94 Vezi mesajul
"The calcium intake of vegans tends to be quite a bit lower than lacto-ovo vegetarians, non-vegetarians, and the DRI. Traditionally, the vegan community has responded to this by saying osteoporosis is a disease of calcium loss from the bones, not a lack of calcium in the diet. This was based on two bits of evidence. The first bit is that ecological studies have shown that the countries with the highest intake of dairy products (northern Europe and the USA) have higher rates of hip fractures than do Asian and African countries where much less milk is consumed. This can be explained by the second bit of evidence which is that studies show that after ingesting animal protein, people urinate large amounts of calcium. Therefore, the thinking goes, calcium intake isn't important for preventing osteoporosis and vegans are protected due to the lack of animal protein in their diets."

Asta a fost prima cautare pe google inca nu am gasit "vegani" care sa se planga de osteoporoza in cauza dietei. Absorbtia este mult mai buna si naturala din sursele vegetale...recomand cu caldura filmul-documentar, gasit pe youtube "The Gerson Miracle"
Pai cand e vorba de fracturile de sold sunt o gramada de alti factori care au o influenta mai mare deacta alimentatia, ca de exemplu faptul ca asiaticii au o osatura mai puternica in general decat europenii,mai e si speranta de viata, majoritatea pacientilor cu fracturi de sold sunt 80+ iar in Africa majoritatea nici nu apuca varsta asta deci normal ca rata fracturilor de sold va fii mai mica.

Si in plus osteoporoza nu e singura problema pe care o cauzeaza lipsa de calciu.

Chestia cu experienta personala e relativa, ma gandesc ca veganii pe care ii cunosti sunt oameni de varsta ta nu pensionari care sa se planga de osteoporoza.
Vrei sa incepi o dieta dar nu stii cum sa alegi? Citeste prima data aceasta clasificare!

