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Jurnal Romina

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Bine ai venit pe Slăbuţe, comunitatea care în 2008 a pus bazele mişcării pentru stilul de viaţă sănătos din România! Am creat pentru tine o comunitate unică şi specială. Într-o atmosferă civilizată, alături doar de oameni de calitate si cu o vastă experientă în domeniul stilului de viaţă sănătos, corect şi imparţial vei putea învăţa şi împărtăşi experienţele tale despre sănătate, alimentaţie, sport, stil de viaţă, slăbit sănătos şi alte întâmplări interesante din viaţa ta. Daca îţi pasă de viitorul ţării noastre şi a celor din jur, poţi contribui alături de noi într-un mod responsabil la promovarea stilului de viaţă sănătos, fie prin recomandarea comunităţii, fie prin relatarea celor învăţate pe Slăbuţe. Dacă ne vizitezi pentru prima dată, îţi recomandăm să citeşti ghidul începătorilor.
Pentru ca să te înregistrezi, clic aici. Succes!
Opţiuni subiect
  #2901 (permalink)  
Vechi 01 apr 2013, 14:04:51
rommyna's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cunoscătorSlăbuţa cunoscător
Data înregistrării: 25 ian 2012
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 36
Dieta: kind of stil de viata sanatos
Date: 150cm, 68kg
Mesaje: 5.544
Aprecieri acordate: 4.292
Am fost apreciat(a) de 3.392 ori in 1.761 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Pentru mine, in toate momentele mele de glorie personala-ca azi de exemplu

10 Things You Think About Too Often

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
―Albert Einstein
You do know you talk to yourself in your mind all the time, right?
Pretty much every one of us has a non-stop stream of thoughts – a mental monologue – that has a powerful impact on how we feel, how we behave, and how we live our lives. Too often, this mental monologue consists of unhelpful thoughts that hinder our happiness and effectiveness.
Which is why it’s time to stop thinking about…
1. Who everyone else wants you to be.

You were born to be you, not who they tell you to be. You are not here to be perfect; you are here to be true. Be gentle and kind to your heart and soul. Accept who you are, where you are, and where you came from.
Don’t make a decision based solely on popularity, or based on what others think is right for you. Just because others are doing something doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for you.
Listen to your gut. Now is the moment to follow your intuition and pursue what matters most to you. Reach deep within yourself and awaken to the purpose that moves you and makes you feel alive. The world is filled with opportunities to do an infinite number of things, so why not align your efforts with the activities that speak to your soul.
2. What you don’t have.

Instead of thanking the heavens for two strong legs and a body that’s capable of running and jumping and dancing, lots of people complain about their weight and appearance.
Instead of appreciating that they live in a country that protects their basic human rights and civil liberties, lots of people complain about laws, taxes, and politicians.
Instead of being grateful for the roof they have over their heads, lots of people wish they had a larger house and a fancier car.
Don’t be one of these people.
To witness miracles unfold in your daily life, count your blessings and be thankful for what you DO have. Lots of people aren’t so lucky.

3. What you fear.

As Franklin D. Roosevelt so profoundly said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
That’s the honest truth. The real thing that keeps you down is fear. The reason your fears have so much power over you is simply because you give them this power by thinking about them – the worst-case scenario, what you don’t want to happen, etc.
It’s time to take a stand. It’s time to clear your fears from your thoughts. It’s time to acknowledge that your fear of grief is far worse than the grief you fear.

4. Old mistakes.

Why regret? This moment doesn’t have any mistakes in it yet. It’s brand new.
You have a choice to make right here, right now. You can hold onto old mistakes or you can make progress going forward with the new beginning you’ve just been given.
It’s time to be bold. It’s time to stop reading the previous chapter of your life and start writing the one you’re currently living. Learn from your old mistakes and march confidently on. Sure you’ll make new mistakes along the way, but that’s the whole point – you want to learn from new mistakes, not rot alongside old ones.
Living means taking chances that are worth taking and making mistakes that are worth making. Right now is simply a new chance to get it right, but you have to let go and take this chance.
5. Old wounds.

You will grow much stronger and find peace once you stop picking at your old wounds. Consciously replaying a painful memory over and over in your head is self-abuse. Your past has given you the strength and awareness you have today. Don’t let it haunt you. Celebrate it.
Your wounds are your wisdom. Let them heal. Let them scar.
In order for this to occur, you must know why you felt the way you did, what you learned from it, and why you no longer need to feel that way. It’s about accepting the past, letting it be, and pushing your spirit forward.
You may carry a small scar with you for the rest of your life. Realize that this is perfectly OK. A scar is the effect of healing – it’s what makes you whole again.

6. Impressing the wrong people.

You could spend your entire life trying to impress everyone around you. Of course, it wouldn’t get you very far.
Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a fleeting ego boost. Be real instead. Connect with fewer people on a level that is deeper and more profound.
If you want to impress someone, impress yourself by making progress on something you’re sincerely proud of. It’s truly amazing what you can accomplish when you aren’t worried about what everyone around you thinks.

7. Important dreams you aren’t actively pursuing.

The point here is simple: STOP thinking and START doing.
The road of life is jam packed with dreams that aren’t going anywhere. Why? Because the people driving these dreams haven’t started their engines. So many people endlessly put off until tomorrow what they could do today. There are literally millions of promising, intelligent people in this world who have no plan at all, who wait for others to drive and steer their lives and their dreams for them.
Having a dream without an action plan is exactly like a beautiful sports car without an engine. You know what she could do if she could do it, but she can’t. Turn your dream into an actionable plan and then start executing your plan. Make no promise for tomorrow when you have the opportunity to make progress today.

8. The impossible looking aerial view of a big project.

An aerial view of a big project always looks daunting. But once you break it down into small parts, suddenly it’s no longer a big, impossible project. It’s simply a bunch of little, achievable ones.
The key is to subdivide a big project into smaller tasks and break each task down further into logical steps for each task. Thinking about the big picture is important on occasion to keep track of your progress, but on a daily basis you should be focused only on the step you’re taking at the time.
The toughest part is laying out what you actually have to do to get each task done, but it’s worth the time and effort. By thinking about it, and breaking it down, you’ve already accomplished the hardest part – you’ve built yourself a step-by-step instruction manual for getting the project completed.

9. Situations you have zero control over.

Some parts of your life are simply meant to be lived, not controlled. No matter what happens, no matter the outcome, you’re going to be just fine. Let the things you can’t control, happen.
Spend your thoughts and efforts on controlling what you do have power over, rather than wasting your peace of mind on the uncontrollable.

10. Another time and place.

Sometimes we avoid experiencing exactly where we are because we have developed a belief, based on past experiences, that it is not where we should be or want to be. But the truth is, where you are now is exactly where you need to be to get to where you want to go tomorrow.
The present moment is always filled with wonder. Right now is a phenomenon. Right now extraordinary things are happening. If you are attentive, you will see them.
Jurnal Romina
“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” ― Abraham Lincoln

  #2902 (permalink)  
Vechi 01 apr 2013, 14:56:07
Khali's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cu vechimeSlăbuţa cu vechime
Data înregistrării: 09 mai 2011
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 42
Date: 165cm, 61.7kg
Mesaje: 1.580
Aprecieri acordate: 364
Am fost apreciat(a) de 1.276 ori in 671 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Sublim, ce sa mai mine ma ajuta mereu sa citesc lucruri de genul asta, nu iti arata directia, pe care trebuie s-o afli singura, insa sunt indrumari importante. Iti spune tot ce ai nevoie sa stii, doar sa asculti

"The six w's: working will win when wishing won't".
"I workout because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can't and I am grateful".
"I'm a big believer in starting with high standards and raising them. We make progress only when we push ourselves to the highest level. If we don't progress, we backslide into bad habits, laziness and poor attitude."
Khali, necesarul caloric zilnic pentru a te menţine la greutatea actuală, la un nivel de activitate fizică Moderat activ, este de 1984 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 0.5kg/săptămână, ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 1467 kcal/zi.
NOTĂ: Culorile înseamnă slăbit sănătos, înfometare, pericol pentru viaţă.
[Calculator calorii]
Acest membru apreciaza mesajul lui Khali:
rommyna (01 apr 2013)
  #2903 (permalink)  
Vechi 01 apr 2013, 15:03:56
rommyna's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cunoscătorSlăbuţa cunoscător
Data înregistrării: 25 ian 2012
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 36
Dieta: kind of stil de viata sanatos
Date: 150cm, 68kg
Mesaje: 5.544
Aprecieri acordate: 4.292
Am fost apreciat(a) de 3.392 ori in 1.761 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Anterior postat de Khali Vezi mesajul
Sublim, ce sa mai mine ma ajuta mereu sa citesc lucruri de genul asta, nu iti arata directia, pe care trebuie s-o afli singura, insa sunt indrumari importante. Iti spune tot ce ai nevoie sa stii, doar sa asculti
Offf, Ancu, esti mereu langa mine, chiar daca eu o comit mereu. Am bagat "intra-spirit&mind" cateva articole de genul ca sa ma dezmortesc si sa ies din starea aiurea si nepotrivita pe care am avut-o de dimineata. Sa ma trezesc din starea asta, nu de nu-mi face bine.

Am citit, am recitit, am rumegat si m-am gandit cum sa aplic in viata mea si in contextul actual toate invatamintele astea. imagni funny+articole motivationale+plan de lucru...and ACTION!

Multumesc de incurajari si prezenta ta continua in lumea si viata mea! Esti (sunteti) o binecuvantare
Jurnal Romina
“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Acest membru apreciaza mesajul lui rommyna:
Khali (01 apr 2013)
  #2904 (permalink)  
Vechi 01 apr 2013, 15:09:32
Khali's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cu vechimeSlăbuţa cu vechime
Data înregistrării: 09 mai 2011
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 42
Date: 165cm, 61.7kg
Mesaje: 1.580
Aprecieri acordate: 364
Am fost apreciat(a) de 1.276 ori in 671 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Pai haaai, action, action, ca repetitii ai tot facut, insa viata o traiesti doar o data, nu-i cu repetir

Traieste-o asa cum iti place, pur si simplu

draga mea!
"The six w's: working will win when wishing won't".
"I workout because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can't and I am grateful".
"I'm a big believer in starting with high standards and raising them. We make progress only when we push ourselves to the highest level. If we don't progress, we backslide into bad habits, laziness and poor attitude."
Khali, necesarul caloric zilnic pentru a te menţine la greutatea actuală, la un nivel de activitate fizică Moderat activ, este de 1984 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 0.5kg/săptămână, ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 1467 kcal/zi.
NOTĂ: Culorile înseamnă slăbit sănătos, înfometare, pericol pentru viaţă.
[Calculator calorii]
Acest membru apreciaza mesajul lui Khali:
rommyna (01 apr 2013)
  #2905 (permalink)  
Vechi 01 apr 2013, 15:14:45
rommyna's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cunoscătorSlăbuţa cunoscător
Data înregistrării: 25 ian 2012
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 36
Dieta: kind of stil de viata sanatos
Date: 150cm, 68kg
Mesaje: 5.544
Aprecieri acordate: 4.292
Am fost apreciat(a) de 3.392 ori in 1.761 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Anterior postat de Khali Vezi mesajul
Pai haaai, action, action, ca repetitii ai tot facut, insa viata o traiesti doar o data, nu-i cu repetir

Traieste-o asa cum iti place, pur si simplu

draga mea!

Ma tot "repet" in repetitii, dar nu prea actionez..
Jurnal Romina
“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” ― Abraham Lincoln

  #2906 (permalink)  
Vechi 01 apr 2013, 16:09:22
Khali's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cu vechimeSlăbuţa cu vechime
Data înregistrării: 09 mai 2011
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 42
Date: 165cm, 61.7kg
Mesaje: 1.580
Aprecieri acordate: 364
Am fost apreciat(a) de 1.276 ori in 671 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Comfort and support, baby girl

"The six w's: working will win when wishing won't".
"I workout because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can't and I am grateful".
"I'm a big believer in starting with high standards and raising them. We make progress only when we push ourselves to the highest level. If we don't progress, we backslide into bad habits, laziness and poor attitude."
Khali, necesarul caloric zilnic pentru a te menţine la greutatea actuală, la un nivel de activitate fizică Moderat activ, este de 1984 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 0.5kg/săptămână, ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 1467 kcal/zi.
NOTĂ: Culorile înseamnă slăbit sănătos, înfometare, pericol pentru viaţă.
[Calculator calorii]
Urmatorii 2 membri au apreciat mesajul lui Khali:
Rallara (02 apr 2013), rommyna (01 apr 2013)
  #2907 (permalink)  
Vechi 02 apr 2013, 07:52:18
redeeadoo's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Sunt una dintre slăbuţe!Sunt una dintre slăbuţe!
Data înregistrării: 16 ian 2011
Locaţie: BUCURESTI, Romania
Vârsta: 34
Date: 168cm, 74kg
Mesaje: 862
Aprecieri acordate: 345
Am fost apreciat(a) de 469 ori in 317 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Neata buna Rominelule am trecut sa te pupic si sa iti urez o saptamana frumoasa ai grija de tine cum poti mai bine si scoate strumfelul ala invingator de unde l-ai bagat ca nu il mai lasi sa respire
nu stiu exact cand ne auzim ca maine dimineata are loc evenimentul mult asteptat
incaodata te pup si te imbratisez
Doar prezenta iubirii in viata noastra ne intregeste si ne face umani.
redeeadoo, necesarul caloric zilnic pentru a te menţine la greutatea actuală, la un nivel de activitate fizică Usor activ, este de 2009 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 0.5kg/săptămână, ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 1492 kcal/zi.
NOTĂ: Culorile înseamnă slăbit sănătos, înfometare, pericol pentru viaţă.
[Calculator calorii]
  #2908 (permalink)  
Vechi 02 apr 2013, 07:56:55
rommyna's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cunoscătorSlăbuţa cunoscător
Data înregistrării: 25 ian 2012
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 36
Dieta: kind of stil de viata sanatos
Date: 150cm, 68kg
Mesaje: 5.544
Aprecieri acordate: 4.292
Am fost apreciat(a) de 3.392 ori in 1.761 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Anterior postat de redeeadoo Vezi mesajul
Neata buna Rominelule am trecut sa te pupic si sa iti urez o saptamana frumoasa ai grija de tine cum poti mai bine si scoate strumfelul ala invingator de unde l-ai bagat ca nu il mai lasi sa respire
nu stiu exact cand ne auzim ca maine dimineata are loc evenimentul mult asteptat
incaodata te pup si te imbratisez
Ce frumos! Mult succes, draga mea! Sa dea Dumnezeu sa fie toate intr-un ceas bun si sa treceti cu bine de perioada asta! Sa stii ca o sa astept poze

Scoatem este chiar invingator, dar il scoatem.
Jurnal Romina
“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Ultima dată editat de rommyna; 02 apr 2013 at 08:00:45.
Acest membru apreciaza mesajul lui rommyna:
redeeadoo (02 apr 2013)
  #2909 (permalink)  
Vechi 02 apr 2013, 08:59:57
rommyna's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cunoscătorSlăbuţa cunoscător
Data înregistrării: 25 ian 2012
Locaţie: Bucuresti, Romania
Vârsta: 36
Dieta: kind of stil de viata sanatos
Date: 150cm, 68kg
Mesaje: 5.544
Aprecieri acordate: 4.292
Am fost apreciat(a) de 3.392 ori in 1.761 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Have a great day!
Jurnal Romina
“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Urmatorii 2 membri au apreciat mesajul lui rommyna:
niculina04 (02 apr 2013), Rallara (02 apr 2013)
  #2910 (permalink)  
Vechi 02 apr 2013, 09:22:31
Rallara's Avatar
(meniuri, evolutie)
Slăbuţa cunoscătorSlăbuţa cunoscător
Data înregistrării: 09 feb 2012
Locaţie: Edinburgh, Anglia
Vârsta: 38
Dieta: South Beach
Date: 172cm, 91.2kg
Mesaje: 7.366
Aprecieri acordate: 3.894
Am fost apreciat(a) de 3.171 ori in 1.682 mesaje
Implicit Re: Jurnal Romina

Sa ai o zi frumoasa my sunshine!

CUM sa nu fi in forma maxima azi?

Rallara, pentru a configura şi afişa ticker-ul tău, urmează paşii din noua secţiune tickere.
Rallara, necesarul caloric zilnic pentru a te menţine la greutatea actuală, la un nivel de activitate fizică Usor activ, este de 2253 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 0.5kg/săptămână, ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 1736 kcal/zi. Pentru a slăbi 4 kg/lună ar trebui să mănânci aproximativ 1220 kcal/zi.
NOTĂ: Culorile înseamnă slăbit sănătos, înfometare, pericol pentru viaţă.
[Calculator calorii]
Acest membru apreciaza mesajul lui Rallara:
rommyna (02 apr 2013)

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